In this unit we are going to learn more about adjectives to describe superheroes.
Are you ready?  💃🕺

➡️ Use the digital book  GO!    http://www.go.richmonddigital.net

➡️ Podéis descargar la app Richmond Go! desde Google Play para realizar juegos online y seguir trabajando los contenidos de una forma divertida.

Learn the new vocabulary words!

Let's Dance!

Let's play a game!

Who is who?

You can play with your parents.
Ask questions to guess who is the superheroe.
For example:
- Is he /she tall?
- Is he/she short?
- Is he/she fast?
- Is he/she clever?
- Is he/she scary?
- Is he/she strong?
- Is he/she thin?
- Is he/she invisible?
Yes, he/she is.  👍
No, he/she isn't.   👎

Remember!    "He" for the boy 👦       "She" for the girl 👧

Complete the following worksheet. Choose and write the correct Word.

Tuesday 16th March
Listen to the songs: 🎤
- Good morning https://youtu.be/CuI_p7a9VGs 
- Weather https://youtu.be/rD6FRDd9Hew 
- Animals song from the Unit 4 page 38 

Student's book 
Page 48 and 49: Watch the story 'The Techies' 📽🎬
Activity 1: find four animals and eight items of clothing (t-shirt, shorts, boots...) Activity 2: Guess the missing speech bubbles. 

Play to the game: page 79. Find your friend's / parents words! 
Enjoy your Tuesday! 😁 

Friday 20th March
Listen to the songs: 🎤
- Hello! https://youtu.be/gghDRJVxFxU 
- Number rock! https://youtu.be/9PA3RsVVdh8 

Student's book
Page 50:
Activity 1: Listen the new vocabulary words about superheroes and repeat! 
Activity 2: Match the pictures with the words (como no tienen el libro que lo señalen). Activity3: Watch the video and sing the song. 
Activity 4: Look the superheroes and describe them using adjectives (que miren las imágenes y palabras de vocabulario) 

Page 51:
Activity 1: Listen and match the picture with the character (que unan la imagen con el personaje según lo que escuchen). 

Play to the game: "Mimic game!" Guess the word!. 👐
(Que hagan las acciones mirando las imágenes de vocabulario y los papás tenéis que adivinar la palabra y viceversa) 
" Fast, scary, clever, tall, short, strong, thin and invisible". 

Enjoy your Friday! 😁 

Tuesday 24th March
Listen to the songs: 🎤
- Good morning https://youtu.be/03XgDWozJOw 
- Days of the week https://youtu.be/lPgTdgvj_jc 
- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 

Student's book 
Page 50:
Activity 1: Review the new vocabulary words about adjectives and repeat! 

Page 51 Activity 2: Read and stick the picture. “She's short, he's thin, she's tall”. Remember! “He's” is for a boy 👦 and “she's” is for a girl 👧. 

Page 52: 
Activity 1: Listen and number. 

Game: Draw your superheroe and describe him/her to your parents. 
For example: She’s … strong, clever and fast. He’s … scary, thin and invisible. 
(Que dibujen en un papel un superhéroe y lo describan utilizando los adjetivos y escribiéndolo). ✏

Enjoy your Tuesday! 😁 

Friday 27th March
Listen to the songs: 🎤
- Numbers https://youtu.be/xNw1SSz18Gg 
- Feelings https://youtu.be/eMOnyPxE_w8 
- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 

Student's book 
Page 50:
Activity 1: Review the vocabulary words about body and repeat! 

Page 52:
Activity 2: Watch the video and sing the song. 🎤📽

Page 53: 
Activity 1: Listen, point and repeat. Then, listen and number. 
Activity 2: Read, write and match. (Que lean, escriban la profesión y unan con flechas). 

Enjoy your Friday! 😁 

Tuesday 31st March
Listen to the songs: 🎤
- Hello song! https://youtu.be/tVlcKp3bWH8 
- Superheroes https://youtu.be/Py4fhsx3Ct4 
- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 

Student's book
Page 50: 
Activity 1: Review the vocabulary words about adjectives. Listen and repeat! 

Page 52: 
Activity 2: Watch the video and sing the song. 🎤📽

Page 54 and 55:
Activity 1: Watch the video of the STORY. 📽🎬
Later, watch the story again and dramatize repeating what characters say with your parents. 
(Que vean el vídeo de la historia y luego vuelvan a verlo dramatizando y repitiendo lo que los personajes dicen con los padres) 
After that, look and say the scene where the object appear. (Deben mirar y decir en que viñeta aparece el objeto). 

Enjoy your Tuesday! 😁 

Friday 3rd April
Listen to the songs: 🎤
- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 

Student's book
Page 50: 
Activity 1: Review the vocabulary words about adjectives. Listen and repeat! 
You can see the poster above (podéis repasar las palabras de vocabulario sobre adjetivos mirando el póster de arriba). 👀

Page 56:
Activity 1: Listen, point and repeat the words.

Activity 2: Listen and colour. 👂🖍
(Podéis guardar la foto como imagen e imprimirla, si tenéis dificultades escuchad el audio desde el libro digital y que los peques digan de qué color son las máscaras, capas, cinturones y botas de cada personaje).
Activity 3: Watch the video. Listen and sing the song! 🎤📽
Activity 4: Make a mini-book of superheroes.  🖍✂️
Complete the description of superheroes using adjectives from the unit. Look at the poster above! 👀

(Podéis imprimir la foto descargándola como imagen. Si tenéis dificultades pueden intentar dibujarlo ellos/as con vuestra ayuda 😊)

Enjoy your Friday!🤗

Tuesday 7th April
Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 

Student's book
Page 50: 
Activity 1: Review the vocabulary words about adjectives. Listen and repeat! 
You can see the poster above (podéis repasar las palabras de vocabulario sobre adjetivos mirando el póster de arriba). 👀

Page 57
Activity 1: Complete your superheroe fact file. Draw a picture and write the information in a notebook at home.
Remember!    "He's" for the boy 👦       "She's" for the girl 👧 

👉 Choose the vocabulary words to create your description.

She's/he's:  fast, scary, clever, tall, short, strong, thin, invisible.
You can see the poster above (podéis repasar las palabras de vocabulario sobre adjetivos mirando el póster de arriba). 👀

She's/ he's got: a (red) cape, mask, belt, boots. 
She/he can:   fly , run, swim, jump, climb.





➡️Send me your work to my emailrajoletesartmaria@gmail.com

(Que describan a un superhéroe siguiendo la estructura propuesta en una libreta. Que lo dibujen y decoren y lo mandáis a mi correo).

-- Complete this worksheet to review contents. 
(Podéis descargarla como imagen e imprimirla o si no es posible realizarla en una libreta con vuestra ayuda).

Remember!    "He's" for the boy 👦       "She's" for the girl 👧

Enjoy your Tuesday!😊

Monday 20th April
Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 
- Superheroes song: student's book page 52. 

Student's book: Page 58

➡️ First, watch the video "Go around the world". (Pinchad en el dibujo del play▶️)

Activity 1: Listen and circle . Then, listen again and write. ✏

Choose the answer: (elige una)
Brother or friend
Sister or friend
Dad or doctor
Mum or teacher

Write:  (escribe la correcta para cada imagen)
She's clever,  he's fast, she's strong, he's clever.

Activity 2: Draw and write about your family hero.

This is my........... dad/ mum/ sister/ brother/ aunt/ uncle  

He 👦/she👧 ' s.........................................  Fast, scary, clever, tall, short, strong, thin and invisible. 

He 👦/she👧 ' s a .........................................  
Doctor 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️        teacher 👨‍🏫👩‍🏫           Police officer👮‍♂️ 👮‍♀️         firefighter 👨‍🚒👩‍🚒

Extra words:
scientist 👨‍🔬👩‍🔬          cook👨‍🍳👩‍🍳             farmer👨‍🌾👩‍🌾            dancer💃🕺           

Enjoy your week!  🤗

Monday 27th April
Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

Review the songs:
- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 
- Superheroes song: student's book page 52. 

Student's book: Page 59

Activity 1: Look 👀 and write the name ✏.  

FIREFIGHTER  👨‍🚒👩‍🚒,      TEACHER👨‍🏫👩‍🏫,        DOCTOR👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️,         POLICE OFFICER👮‍♂️👮‍♀️

Then, listen 👂 and write TRUE ✔  (yes)  or FALSE ❌ (no).

Activity 2: Read 📖   and complete using the words : clever, tall, strong and fast.
👀 Look at the poster!

Then, match ↗️. 

💡Clue:     boots 👢          book 📗          computer ⌨           Belt 💫 

GAME: Play to the game "Who is who?" with your parents.  ⚄

(Podéis encontrar la explicación arriba ⬆️)

Enjoy your Monday!😉

Thursday 30th April
Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

Review the song:
- Superheroes song: student's book page 50. 

Oral game:

"Simon says" ➡️  Repeat and do the actions.   👀💃🕺

Simon says fast, 
Simon says fast and thin,
Simon says fast, thin and tall, 
Simon says fast, thin, tall and clever, 
Simon says fast, thin, tall, clever and strong, 
Simon says fast, thin, tall, clever, strong and short.

➡️ Look at the poster! 👀

- Create a memory game and play at home with your parents.  ✂️✏🎲

1) write the name of adjectives ➡️ Look at the poster!
2) play with your parents saying the names.

(Podéis descargar la imagen e imprimirla desde casa para poder jugar. Se ponen las cartas boca abajo y tenéis que encontrar la pareja. Cada vez que cojan una carta que digan su nombre en inglés)

Enjoy your weekend!😊

Monday 5th May
➡️ Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

➡️ Watch the story and repeat the vocabulary words. Look at the poster first! 👀  👄

Activity 1: Listen 👂 and complete ✏.

Seleccionar el audio 18:

➡️ Activity 2: Listen 👂 and Match ↪.

Seleccionar el audio 10:

Enjoy your Tuesday!😁

Friday 8th May

➡️Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

- Activity 1: Listen 👂 and number (1,2,3 or 4).

➡️Seleccionar el audio 11:

- Activity 2: Look 👀 and complete✏.

➡️Use the words:   

Belt,  Clever,  boots,  scary,  strong,  teacher,  short,  firefighter.

➡️  Use the App Richmond GO! to play different digital games.

➡️ Podéis descargar la app Richmond Go! desde Google Play para realizar juegos online y seguir trabajando los contenidos de una forma divertida.

Enjoy your Friday! 😚

Tuesday 12th May

➡️Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

Activity 1: Describe the following superheroes. ✏

Remember!    "He's" for the boy 👦       "She's" for the girl 👧

➡️ Look the example! 👀

He’s  Spiderman.
He’s strong, fast and clever.
He can jump and climb.
He's got  a red mask and red boots. 

- ADJECTIVES (recordar las palabras en la página 50, audio 14 Richmond Go!)


She/he can:   fly , run, swim, jump, climb.





She/he's got:  a red mask...

➡️Send me your work to my emailrajoletesartmaria@gmail.com

(Que describan los superhéroes siguiendo la estructura propuesta descargando la imagen e imprimiéndola o si no es posible realizándolo en una libreta con vuestra ayuda).

Enjoy your Tuesday!😊

Friday 15th May

➡️Listen to the song: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

➡️ Watch the video and repeat the vocabulary words about SUPERHEROES. 👀  👄

➡️ Write adjectives describing this superheroe. ✏

Review the vocabulary words:

- Look at the poster! 👀  ⬆️
- Listen👂 and repeat!👄    student's book page 50, Activity 1.

Enjoy your Friday! 🤗

Tuesday 19th May

➡️ Play to this kahoot game!  🎲  (Tenéis hasta el martes que viene para jugar)

(Es muy fácil de jugar, solo deberéis pinchar sobre el enlace y en Nickname poner el nombre de vuestro hijo/a).

➡️Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃



In this unit we are going to learn more about actions Are you ready? 💃

Learn the new vocabulary words!

➡️ Look at the poster! 👀

Student's book :  Page 60   

➡️ Use the digital book  GO!    http://www.go.richmonddigital.net

- Activity 1:   Listen 👂, point ☝️and repeat 👄.    Then, Match ↗️  (une con flechas) and say   👄

(Pinchad sobre el símbolo del cd para escuchar el audio)

- Activity 2:   Listen 👂 and sing 🎤.

(Pinchad sobre el símbolo del vídeo para verlo)

- Activity 3:  Look 👀  and write the action ✏.  Look 👀 at the Picture! ⬆️

Rayan:  writing (Number 5).                           Carla:
Mike:                                                                      Jasmin:

Enjoy your Tuesday! 😙

Friday 22nd May

➡️ Play to this kahoot game!  🎲  (Tenéis hasta el martes que viene para jugar)

(Es muy fácil de jugar, solo deberéis pinchar sobre el enlace y en Nickname poner el nombre de vuestro hijo/a).

➡️Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

➡️ Review the vocabulary words. Look at the poster! 👀

Student's book :  Page 61  

➡️ Use the digital book  GO!    http://www.go.richmonddigital.net

- Activity 1:  Listen 👂 and circle  "what are they doing"✏ .   Then, listen 👂 and repeat 👄.

- Activity 2:  Listen 👂 and sing 🎤.

- Activity 3:   ORAL GAME!    Mime, then say in pairs.

(Que uno haga la acción y la otra persona adivina quien es el personaje y dice el nombre de la acción, mirando la imagen)

➡️  Look 👀 and match ↗️.  Then, write ✏ and colour 🖍. 

Happy weekend!  🤗

Tuesday 26th May

➡️ Finish the kahoot game! (He ampliado el tiempo para que podáis hacer esta actividad, solo tenéis que pinchar sobre el enlace) 🎲

➡️Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

Student's book :  Page 60   

➡️ Use the digital book  GO!    http://www.go.richmonddigital.net

- Activity 2:   Listen 👂 and sing 🎤.   Review the song of the UNIT 6.

(Pinchad sobre el símbolo del vídeo para verlo)

Student's book :  Page 62

- Activity 1:    Listen 👂  and   number    1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

- Activity 2:  Read 📖  and draw 🖍 and write ✏.


- Activity 3:   ORAL GAME!  Make a bus and play  in pairs with your parents.

(Podéis descargar las actividades como imagen e imprimirlas).


1) Cut and stick the pictures as you want (corta y pega las imágenes como quieras).

2) Ask in pairs:

- Mum or dad:   What are you doing?   
- Child:    I'm reading 📖
- Mum or dad:   you are number 4.   

(Continuad preguntando como en el ejemplo y cambiando la persona que pregunta o adivina)

Enjoy your Tuesday! 😗

Friday 29th May

➡️ Finish the kahoot game! (He ampliado el tiempo para que podáis hacer esta actividad, solo tenéis que pinchar sobre el enlace) 🎲

➡️Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

Student's book :  Page 64 and 65.   

➡️ Use the digital book  GO!    http://www.go.richmonddigital.net

- Activity 2:  Watch the STORY  👀  📽   and repeat 👄   the vocabulary words about action verbs.

➡️ (Pinchad sobre el símbolo del vídeo para ver la historia).

- Activity 1:   Find 👀  and colour  🖍 like in the story. Then, say  👄  the scene numbers.

➡️  Play to this  GAME about action verbs!    

Happy weekend! 😗

Tuesday 2nd June

➡️ Finish the kahoot game! (He ampliado el tiempo para que podáis hacer esta actividad, solo tenéis que pinchar sobre el enlace) 🎲

➡️Listen to the song: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

➡️ Watch the video 👀  📽  and repeat the vocabulary words about actions 👄. 

Student's book :  Page 66.

➡️ Use the digital book  GO!    http://www.go.richmonddigital.net

- Activity 1:  Listen  👂   and    sing  🎤. Watch the video  👀   📽.
( Pinchad sobre el símbolo del vídeo para verlo)

- Activity 2:   Listen 👂 and say    👄.   Play to the game!🎲

➡️  Read  📖   and colour 🖍.
(Podéis descargar las actividades como imagen e imprimirlas)

➡️  Complete.  Then, look 👀   and tick  ✔ (yes)    or cross ❌ (no).

Enjoy your Tuesday! 😊

Friday 5th June

➡️ Finish the kahoot game! (He ampliado el tiempo para que podáis hacer esta actividad, solo tenéis que pinchar sobre el enlace) 🎲

➡️Listen to the songs: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

Student's book :  Page 68.

➡️ Use the digital book  GO!    http://www.go.richmonddigital.net

➡️ First, watch the video "Go around the World". 
      (Pinchad en el símbolo del vídeo para verlo)

- Activity 1: Read 📖 and draw 🖍.  Then, listen 👂 and   number (1,2,3 and 4).
  (Pinchad sobre el símbolo del audio para escucharlo)

- Activity 2: Draw 🖍 pictures of a day out.  Then,  write ✏.

- My perfect day out in...  (city).
- I' m...  write 3 actions verbs.

Look 👀 at the poster!

➡️Send me your work to my emailrajoletesartmaria@gmail.com
   (Solo tenéis que enviarme la actividad 2)

➡️  Play to this  GAME about action verbs!    

Happy weekend!😁

Tuesday 9th June

➡️ Play to this kahoot game! UNIT 6. (Para hacer esta actividad, solo tenéis que pinchar sobre el enlace) 🎲

➡️Listen to the song: sing and dance!  🎤  💃

➡️ Watch the video 👀 and repeat 👄. ROLE PLAY.

➡️ Listen 👂 and number (1,2,3,4,5 and 6).

Seleccionar el audio 12:

➡️ Look 👀 at Activity 2 and complete.
➡️ Create your memory game and play at home.

Vocabulary words: drawing, drinking, eating, listening, reading, taking photos, talking, writing.

Enjoy your Tuesday! 😊

Friday 12th June

➡️ Play to this kahoot game! UNIT 6. (Para hacer esta actividad, solo tenéis que pinchar sobre el enlace) 🎲   ¡ÚLTIMOS DÍAS PARA ACCEDER!

➡️ Watch the video 👀  and repeat 👄. 

➡️ Complete ✏.

Happy weekend! 😁


(Actividades voluntarias por si queréis repasar contenidos desde casa este verano)

Pinchad sobre el link para descargar  ⬇️



Teacher María


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